Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A Beautiful Morning

I had the morning off today, which was wonderful. I was supposed to go in to the university, but my meeting got canceled so I am curled up on the couch this morning with the sunlight beaming through the windows. I've been listening to the 'This American Life' podcast, sipping coffee, and listening to Blitzen Trapper, Bon Iver, and the Fleet Foxes. If you haven't heard their newest albums, you really should. They are wonderful.
This week I've got some pieces up in the Graduate Gallery - Gallery 214 right now in a show that Kim put together called 'Pin Up'. It is a sampling of works on paper and works in progress done by MFA students here at NIU.
I've got some of my formica sample paintings up. Feel free to come see them in person!
The gallery will be open all of this week, and also on Thursday night to coincide with the opening of the faculty show in the Jack Olson Gallery.
Yesterday I started the daunting task of cleaning and rearranging my studio. I think it needs a few more hours work, but I think the new setup will help my productivity. I'll post some pictures when I am finished though, right now it looks like an art supply store exploded. Here are some of my paintings in progress. They have a long way to go still... Lastly, I've been contemplating cutting my hair super short, but in the meantime I cut myself some bangs. I wear my hair up most of the time, and I was sick of it looking drab, hence, bangs.
Much better.I hope you all are having a good morning as well.


Anonymous said...

Love the formica paintings, and LOVE the bangs! Super cute!

Anonymous said...

I love the are hilarious. The bangs are cute!

Unknown said...

Well 2009 IS the year of change... I hear that really short hair is the coming tres' chic trend for ladies. Short hair would suit your pretty face and small features. Go for it you'll look great!

Anonymous said...

I hate to say what you don't want to hear, but I think your hair is gorgeous so you should show it off by leaving it long.

A Beautiful Party said...

your hair is bangin'!
and the show in 214 is really neat!

Knitting Up A Storm said...

Ha ha, thanks for the advise. I probably should do weights. I was swimming today, and thinking...will I loose what little bustage I have...and will my shoulders start looking like swimmer's shoulders (really bulky) if I did swim every day. Ha ha. Flat & beefy. Pretty.

Do you have a favorite type of crunches? It's hard to find something that does the belly area, rather than just the upper abs, than just leg extensions.

Sweet bangs. :) Its nice to have new style now and then.

Kim said...

nice bangs!